Turn Back the Hands of Time With Sculptra®

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Are you worried about common signs of aging? Sculptra is a simple, noninvasive way to turn back the hands of time and help restore your youthful appearance. This unique dermal filler at Concordia Star Medical Aesthetics reduces wrinkles and rebuilds lost collagen at the same time to provide long-lasting results.

Sculptra injections may be the perfect solution if you want to look younger without resorting to plastic surgery. Dr. Ladie Araña-Domondon can review your anti-aging goals during a consultation in Puyallup, WA. Call today and schedule your Sculptra appointment.

Why is collagen production important?

Our bodies produce less collagen as we age. This is a problem because proteins like collagen are responsible for keeping our skin looking and feeling young. When we do not have enough collagen, our skin starts to lose firmness and sag around the eyes, mid-face, and jowls. We notice unwanted signs of aging, like fine lines as well as deep creases and folds.

How does Sculptra increase collagen production?

Sculptra works by encouraging natural collagen production. The active ingredient in this dermal filler is poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible and biodegradable material that has been widely studied in medical applications. Once injected, your body gradually absorbs poly-L-lactic acid and enables new collagen to form.

Sculptra injections can help you achieve a more rejuvenated look without the need for plastic surgery. Our treatment is simple and convenient, and it can provide long-lasting outcomes. Additional benefits include:

  • Minimal risk: Sculptra is a proven method of reducing signs of aging. You can feel confident knowing that your results will be safe and predictable.

  • Natural-looking outcomes: Sculptra provides subtle results that do not appear "fake" or "worked on." Your skin will also look younger and more radiant without incisions or scarring.

  • Personalized outcomes: Dr. Araña-Domondon understands your needs as a patient and provides guidance throughout the treatment process.

  • Experienced team: Our staff has received extensive training in dermal fillers, including Sculptra, so you can trust us to deliver excellent results.

How is Sculptra administered?

Concordia Star Medical Aesthetics will perform a skin assessment to determine the number of Sculptra injections and the amount of product needed. Dr. Araña-Domondon administers injections using an ultrafine needle and numbing agent to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Most people schedule a series of treatments in Puyallup, WA for the best anti-aging results possible.

When do you see results from Sculptra?

Most people notice almost immediate improvements in their appearance soon after getting Sculptra. These outcomes only improve over time as your body produces new collagen. The final results of Sculptra can take months to achieve, but they are long-lasting. You may only need touch-ups every two years to maintain your youthful look.

How can I preserve my Sculptra results?

Sculptra is not a permanent anti-aging solution, but the effects can last for two years or longer with the proper care. Dr. Araña-Domondon may recommend small but impactful lifestyle changes to prolong your dermal filler results. These may include using sunscreen when spending time outside and avoiding excessive sun exposure. Patients can also keep their skin hydrated by drinking water and using a daily moisturizer.

Turn back the clock with Sculptra

Fine lines and creases got you down? Dr. Ladie Araña-Domondon offers a wide range of injectable treatments for wrinkles that make you feel self-conscious. Learn more about Sculptra or schedule your first appointment by calling Concordia Star Medical Aesthetics in Puyallup, WA.
We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.